Gondola Evacuation Training
The Experts in Lift Evacuation
A solutions-based company dedicated to your aerial chairlift, gondola and tram evacuation needs.

Customized ANSI B77 Lift Evacuation Plans
Our team develops and writes a customized ANSI B77 Evacuation Plan specifically for your unique aerial lift installation.
Evac Plans
Lift Evacuation Training
Our comprehensive onsite training program begins with a detailed review of the evacuation procedures outlined in B77 Section and concludes with trainees demonstrating their ability to safely execute full evacuation scenarios.
Evac Training
ZipRescue® Trolley
Complex evacuation scenarios often require direct rescuer-client contact in the chair or cabin. When ground evacuation isn't feasible, the ZipRescue® Trolley is the solution.
ZipRescue® TrolleyIs your B77 Evacuation Plan current and relevant? Is your team ready to safely perform a lift evacuation?
Why ZipRescue
As a company, ZipRescue is solely dedicated to aerial lift evacuation. In addition to creating and manufacturing the ZipRescue® Trolley, our company can develop and write your comprehensive, site-specific ANSI B77 evacuation plan, customize an equipment program for your team, provide in-person training on evacuation best practices and equipment use, and serve as the onsite liaison for the required evacuation demonstration. ZipRescue offers start-to-finish lift evacuation services for your aerial lift installation.

ZipRescue In Action

Meet Dave Nettle
Dave Nettle’s deep-rooted connection with the outdoors began in 1967 with the Boy Scouts, sparking a lifelong journey of exploration and adventure. At age 17,…
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Case Study: Legoland
According to the NY Dept of Labor requirements (referencing code ANSI B77, Section Evacuation), a new lift may not operate until the owner produces…
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Testimonial: Dimensions Access
Our company, Dimensions Access, is a Hong Kong-based company specializing in Work and Rescue at Height Consultations and Training Services. We have been working with…
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